I am working on coming up with new musical instruments for MAKE: Ogaki Meeting (Sept.25-26) that is a DIY showcase event originated in the U.S.A. The Ogaki Meeting is the first event of MAKE:Japan held outside of Tokyo. We will join to the event as a group called "Soundamentalism" with our original DIY sound devices. We also are going to have a live sound performance on Sunday the 26th.
Since we have mostly guys as main performers and audience as well I imagine, I asked Jin Murata to tried to invited a lady only for the performance. I suppose that would be helpful in many way.
Anyway I will have to bring in several instruments for exhibit because we are going to have something for the lady as well. I came up with two new instruments this time. I hope it looks ok to boys in Ogaki. (日本語と写真は続きに) (another photo below)
アメリカ発祥のDIYイベント,MAKEのOgaki Meeting (9月25−26日)に参加するため、新しい楽器の製作に勤しんでいる。MAKE:Japanのイベントとしては初めて東京以外で行われるものだ。我々はSoundamentalism (サウンダメンタリズム)というユニットとしてDIYのサウンド装置の展示で参加する。26の日曜日にはライブのサウンドパフォーマンスも行う予定だ。我々にしても観客にしても殆ど男が多いんじゃないかと思ったので、メンバーの村田仁さんに頼んでパフォーマンスのステージのために女性を招待してもらった。色んな意味で助かるのじゃないかと思う。
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